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Developing a Compelling Case for Support with The Children’s Inn at NIH

Our Vice President Christina Yoon, Ph.D., recently wrote about our firm’s experience partnering with The Children’s Inn at NIH on a case development initiative, led by our Communications Consultants Charlotte Cottier and Susannah Young. She will present on this topic at the Bridge to Integrated Marketing and Fundraising Conference on August 3rd with The Inn’s CEO Jennie Lucca and Chief Development and Communications Officer Fern Stone.

Inn-Case.pngAhead of their session, Christina contributed an article to the Bridge Conference website detailing the Inn’s storytelling challenges, the case development process, and the far-reaching impact of this work. An independent nonprofit located on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus, The Inn provides a supportive residential environment for families with children enrolled in NIH research studies.

Operating at the intersection of healthcare, medical research, and childhood development, the organization enjoys many fundraising opportunities but has struggled to articulate a cohesive case for support. In her article, Christina explores the question: How do you communicate the impact and philanthropic need of such a unique, multi-faceted organization?

Read the full article to find out how Campbell & Company and The Children’s Inn at NIH worked together to address this critical consideration.

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Lola Banjo
About Lola Banjo Lola Banjo is the Director of Marketing Communications at Campbell & Company, with responsibilities of overseeing marketing programs, brand management, employee engagement and internal communications, business development,...
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